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for your next Analytics, Marketing, and CRO project.

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Google Analytics 4

Implementation & Integrations

In this exciting era of digital analytics, as we transition from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4, understanding user engagement has become not just crucial, but a bit of an art form. Our SmartMetrics GA4 services are here to make this change seamless and even enjoyable. We offer a comprehensive GA4 setup and meticulous auditing to smooth out any bumps in your data. Embrace the power of GA4 with us and confidently stride into a future of robust, savvy analytics.

Google Tag Manager

Client/Server-side Setup

Since 2016, we at SmartMetrics have been on an exciting journey, leading the way in Google Tag Manager projects. From simple tracking setups to intricate server-side solutions for e-commerce, we’ve done it all. Our expertise covers every aspect of GTM – be it detailed audits, smooth migrations, flawless implementations, or even engaging hands-on training. We’re here to guide you through the twists and turns of GTM, making your path to powerful, insightful data management not just simpler but a bit more fun!

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Comprehensive Audit Services

Actionable Items & Recommendations

Google Analytics & Tag Manager Audit

Give your metrics a precision boost with our hands-on GA4 & GTM Audit. We delve deep to ensure every number tells the true story.

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Google Ads Audit

Polish your campaign strategies to shine with our thorough Google Ads audit. We're here to help you hit those high-performance marks!

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Technical SEO Audit

Elevate your website's ranking and presence in Google search results with our thorough technical SEO audit. Let's make your site stand out in the digital crowd.

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Website Performance

Ramp up your website's speed and user experience with our comprehensive website performance audit. Let's get your site zooming to the top!

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CRO Audit

Boost your conversion rates significantly with our in-depth Conversion Rate Optimization Audit. Let's turn those visits into valuable actions!

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Better Service Starts Here.

Since 2016, SmartMetrics has been the growth partner for over 700 companies. Curious about teaming up with leading analytics, marketing, and CRO pros? Check out our client testimonials and see the SmartMetrics difference for yourself!

There is Room for Improvement

The usual suspects behind conversion, lead, and revenue losses

  • Adblockers, Cookies, and Data Privacy

    Adblockers, strict cookie regulations, and heightened data privacy concerns can significantly impact client-side tracking, leading to incomplete and inaccurate data. Users increasingly opt-out of tracking, and browsers implement more stringent measures to protect privacy, making it harder to get a full picture of user behavior. However, server-side implementations for GTM, GA4, and Meta platforms offer a solution by closing these discrepancy gaps. By processing data on the server rather than the client, these methods can bypass adblockers, provide more reliable tracking, and align better with privacy regulations, ensuring more accurate and comprehensive data collection

  • Poor Google Analytics Configuration

    A Google Analytics setup that's not quite right – think wrong tracking codes, missing goals or e-commerce tracking, or not filtering out internal traffic – can give you data that's way off base. These slip-ups can skew your view of how users behave and where they're coming from, potentially leading to decisions that don't hit the mark.

  • Ineffective Google Ads Campaigns

    Typical hiccups in Google Ads often involve chasing the wrong keywords, crafting lackluster ad copy, allocating budgets poorly, or not quite getting the hang of negative keywords. These missteps can lead to attracting the wrong crowd, spending more per click, and seeing a less-than-stellar return on your ad investment.

  • Weak SEO Practices

    Ignoring SEO can mean your website ends up playing hide-and-seek with search engines – and not in a good way. If you're not focusing on the right keywords, skimping on content quality, letting your site structure and navigation lag, dealing with slow load times, or not being friendly to mobile users, you're probably seeing a dip in organic traffic and a slide down the search engine rankings.

  • Neglecting Conversion Rate Optimization

    Not tuning your website for conversions is like leaving money on the table. Common conversion rate optimization (CRO) blunders – like not really getting your target audience, a checkout process that feels like a maze, a website design that doesn't hit the mark, and skipping out on A/B testing to refine your site elements – can lead to a serious drop in revenue.

  • Lack of Cohesive Strategy Across Channels

    If your marketing efforts across SEO, PPC, social media, and email aren't singing from the same song sheet, you might end up with campaigns that don't quite gel, missing out on golden opportunities. When these different marketing channels aren't working hand-in-hand, it can lead to mixed messages and a less-than-optimal use of your resources.

  • Website Performance

    Slow-loading websites can severely impact your conversion rates and bounce rates, as well as other critical metrics. When a website takes too long to load, users are likely to abandon it, leading to higher bounce rates and lower time-on-site metrics. This not only affects user satisfaction but also negatively influences your search engine rankings. Additionally, slow websites can frustrate potential customers during the checkout process, causing cart abandonment and a decrease in overall sales. Optimizing your website’s performance is crucial for maintaining a smooth user experience and maximizing conversion opportunities.